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Michael Tolley - Design, Fabrication and Control for Biologically Inspired Soft Robots
Mike Tolley: Embodied intelligence for bioinspired soft robots, 23 March 2022
Michael T. Tolley - IROS 2014
Maryland Robotics Center Seminar, September 16, 2022: Michael T. Tolley
UC San Diego & You: Michael Tolley, Ph.D.
“Bioinspired vs. Biohybrid Design”- RAS Soft Robotics Debate
Unleashing Innovation: Porous Compliant Mechanisms & Soft Robotics Powered by Diverse Energy Sources
Wearable Choreographer: Designing Soft Robotics for Dance Practice
Mechanically programming soft robotic actuators
Soft Robot
IidaIROS2021WSTalk: Model-based design and control of soft robots
Efficient Jacobian-based inverse kinematics with sim-to-real transfer of soft robots by learning